Even if we are soulmates, they still might only see me as a friend. She looked at me quizzically with her round blue eyes. “What do you think, Mocha? Do you think they could ever love me back?” If only it was always this easy to get people to like you. I sat down next to her and let her climb into my lap. I stroked her head and she gradually began to lean into my touch, purring contently. I gave her one from the bowl on the table. She came up to me, rubbing against my legs and meowing for treats. It was empty except for Will’s cat, Mocha. I tried knocking, but when no one answered, I let myself in. Since he wasn’t in his room, he was most likely either with Will or Ellie. I felt like I was intruding upon a private moment, so, abandoning my Reese's Puffs, I excused myself, grabbed a bagel, and left in search of Josh.

She looked up at him, her normally mischievous green eyes dull, “We’re in this together, dingus. You're my best friend and I want to see you get better.” I had forgotten again,” he moved to comfort her but hesitated inches from her skin. “When you become joined, whatever your soulmate feels, you feel too,” Alex mumbled, staring at her hands.

“Wait, what did you say?” I didn’t want to butt in, but this piece of information caught me off guard. “Nah, it’s not like it can kill me,” Blue said with a burst of laughter, “The pills took care of that.”Īlex looked sad now, “That doesn’t mean it will hurt,” she turned away, “or did you forget it affected me too?” Don’t you think you should wait and have some food first?” Alex asked, noticeably subdued, a hint of nervous in her voice. “Blue, you’ve already had three cups of coffee. “An energy drink,” Blue requested before chugging the last of his coffee. “Some orange juice for me, M,” Alex chirped. “Do either of you want something to drink?” I asked, grabbing milk from the fridge. I pulled a box of Reese's Puffs from the cabinet and poured myself a bowl. “Does it maybe have anything to do with the fact that the last time she came out, you scared her?” Blue asked.Īlex flushed, “That was an accident. “Probably, Lucy is more comfortable around girls, and since we’re making her come out of hiding, I figured we could be more accommodating.” Are you staying female the entire day?” I asked. Having no response to this, Blue simply went back to glowering over his cup of coffee.Īlex, proud of her winning remark, turned back to me, “Do you think you could braid my hair for today?” “That's only because you're gay,” she said in a singsong voice. “Y’know I think I like you better when you're male,” Blue muttered. “It was one in the morning,” Blue said tightly. “It was high time you had woken up anyway,” Alex said. He scowled at me, “Not all of us want to be woken by this one,” he jerked his head in the direction of Alex who was once again stuffing her face, “coming in, yelling at the top of her lungs because she had flooded her bathroom again and needed to use mine.” “Don't talk with your mouth full,” Blue said in a husky voice, glowering over his coffee. “Boo oo ink oo ca bay ma hey” she said through a mouth full of eggs. Alex looked up when I came in and waved me over. Shouldn’t I be comfortable enough around them to go without it? Still, Josh said that these things take time. I pulled the hoodie on and left, heading in the direction of Josh’s room.Īlex and Blue were already in there, eating at the counter. I've known most of these people for years. As much as I wanted to sleep in, today was an important day. I pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a tee Will brought back from one of his concerts. I glanced over at my favourite hoodie slung over the back of my chair. The whole hall was coming for the party today. I swiped the snooze for a few extra minutes of peace and quiet. The dream lingered at the edge of my mind trying to coax me back to sleep. I willfully let it fade away as I do every time I wake up. I didn’t want to dwell on it nor what it meant. The mellow voice of Ben Gibbard roused me from my warm bed. I awoke to the sound of a Death Cab song that I use for my alarm. Yes, this was the sky that suited me. I raised my arms and leaned forward until I was no longer on the edge but falling, flying toward the stars. In the moment before I landed, I saw myself reflected in the water. Would people notice if one more went out? I looked down at the water and saw the same night sky reflected back at me, this one distorted by the ripples of a breeze but still just as beautiful.
Fantasy forest story stardust full#
How many of those stars had already gone out? Maybe I was staring at a sky full of dead stars. I didn't feel anything except very alone. I took another step closer to the edge and looked up at the stars one last time.