If you are visiting the lost river on a shorter excursion, or have a base nearby, then just the Seamoth or Prawn Suit should suffice. The honest truth is that you probably won’t even reach the river without a pressure-resistant vehicle. The most important equipment to bring into the lost river with you is a proper vehicle. The lost river is a mid to late-game location that will kill you if you aren’t prepared for it, so let’s use some of those resources you’ve been hoarding and make sure you can stay alive down there. This isn’t the first place you visit when you get dropped into Subnautica’s ocean.
This Lost River Subnautica guide will give you the rundown of what the lost river has to offer, instructions on how to get there, a list of all the different ways it can kill you, a quick overview of the points of interest within the zone, and a few pointers on how to keep yourself from ending up in the stomach of a baby ghost leviathan. Of course, that also means it is one of the most dangerous. Located between the Grand Reef and the Magma Zone biomes, the Lost River is one of the most heavily populated biomes in the game, flush with veins of valuable resources and abundant sources of energy and heat. The Lost River biome is all of those things at the same time. Planet 4546B has no shortage of fascinating, beautiful, and terrifying biomes. Entrances to Inactive Lava Zone and Magma Zone.The Forest Sinkhole Guide – Surviving the Sinkhole - January 27, 2023.

Looks like I'm going to need to update my map with the 4 entrances as well as a LR map on the back! This game just keeps blowing me away. Is silent running a power hog? Seems so. Which way to this Cove Tree I've heard so much about? Are all those little critters baby Ghosts? Is that big green mist room with the Ghost a central room of sorts? Just wondering if all the routes in connect somewhere. I need to figure out how to deal with the Ghosts if I want to be able to explore that place. Maybe I can finally start piecing this place together once I find all the ways in. I'm off to find the Bulb Zone entrance now. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm just tapping along at ahead slow, and even tried silent running. I see everyone talking about how easy it is to get by them, but I keep getting attacked. So I headed thru the tunnel and came to that same big room with the Ghost. I headed off to LP2 to see if I could find my way into the Kelp Zone entrance, and I did! It was actually really close to my scanning station in the Islands. Reading another thread (ignoring all talk of lava and such) really made me want to discover the other two entrances. I went through the very dark entrance in the Trench once or twice but got very lost. Went in and got to a large, green area with a Ghost Leviathan. I knew about the Degassi entrance, it was the first one I discovered.